July 2023
La Granja Sudan Rume Hybrid Washed

The coffee for 37 is the variety Sudan Rume from Las Margaritas (1570-1850 masl), in Caicedonia, Colombia. This is one of farms which are managed by Cafe Granja La Esperanza, with the producer Rigoberto Herrera. He is one of the most respected and innovative coffee producers in Colombia at the moment – this particular lot was processed as hybrid washed: The first fermentation was done in cherries for a day, then second fermentation in only parchment for 1.5 days. Then fully washed and finally dried mechanically, so that the final humidity in beans comes down to 10.5% (lower side)
This whole process enables the cup to give unique spicy notes like nutmeg or molasses, followed by candied ginger, sugar cane syrup with lime aftertaste as flavours.